Customer Testimonials

Great customer service, excellent design, always put customer needs first..

Umut Eren Acurol


Umut Eren Acurol

Great customer service, excellent design, always put customer needs first..

Excellent job every single detail is very well thought. Great customer service and quick responds. Love the idea. Looking forward for new designs. Thank You!

Jessica Stroud


Jessica Stroud

Excellent job every single detail is very well thought. Great customer service and quick responds. Love the idea. Looking forward for new designs. Thank You!

5 Star  Love it!! Get lots of comments on it, too. Thanks!! Neal Davis

Neal Davis


Neal Davis

5 Star  Love it!! Get lots of comments on it, too. Thanks!! Neal Davis

Very cute design, very sturdy and great customer relationship.

Derya C


Derya C

Very cute design, very sturdy and great customer relationship.

The construction of these trailers are excellent.

The construction of these trailers are excellent. I have made a few mods to mine such as running electric with a few outlets, a small shelve near where I'll be sleeping to put my loose change wallet and cell phone, and last but not least I made a cabinet underneath the bottom shelve up front to house a microwave with storage below it. I had a little problem getting the trailer titled and registered, but Umit went up and above to see that I would be able to it corrected. Just ordered a couple more things for it. Can't wait to take it out for it maiden voyage. Thanks guys!

Tom H.
Tom H.
The construction of these trailers are excellent. I have made a few mods to mine such as running electric with a few outlets, a small shelve near where I'll be sleeping to put my loose change wallet and cell phone, and last but not least I made a cabinet underneath the bottom shelve up front to house a microwave with storage below it. I had a little problem getting the trailer titled and registered, but Umit went up and above to see that I would be able to it corrected. Just ordered a couple more things for it. Can't wait to take it out for it maiden voyage. Thanks guys!

I just got back from my first trek and the trailer was great!

I just got back from my first trek and the trailer was great! It pulled easily behind my Subaru Forester, no problems up the hills of West Virginia. We went north across PA, OH, IN, IL, WI, MN, ND, MT, and home by way of SD, NE, KA, MO, KY WV, MD, NJ, NY, and CT. I recommend higher grade tires for out West- speed limits are 75 mph. Some construction zones were pretty rough and rearranged my kitchen packing quite a bit. I'll have to work on that, but everything else faired well. I love this camper and can hardly wait for my next vacation!

Lorry S.


Lorry S.

I just got back from my first trek and the trailer was great! It pulled easily behind my Subaru Forester, no problems up the hills of West Virginia. We went north across PA, OH, IN, IL, WI, MN, ND, MT, and home by way of SD, NE, KA, MO, KY WV, MD, NJ, NY, and CT. I recommend higher grade tires for out West- speed limits are 75 mph. Some construction zones were pretty rough and rearranged my kitchen packing quite a bit. I'll have to work on that, but everything else faired well. I love this camper and can hardly wait for my next vacation!

I love my new mini trailer.

I love my new mini trailer. Taking it out for a Maiden voyage this weekend. The build of these things is beyond Superior. And the customer service is great. I would highly recommend buying from MyMini trailer.

Cathy P.


Cathy P.

I love my new mini trailer. Taking it out for a Maiden voyage this weekend. The build of these things is beyond Superior. And the customer service is great. I would highly recommend buying from MyMini trailer.

This is the trailer that I want

This is the trailer that I want. It is almost perfect for me. As soon as possible, I will have one!

Joseph V.


Joseph V.

This is the trailer that I want. It is almost perfect for me. As soon as possible, I will have one!

The build quality is very good, and pulls good behind my Toyota Corolla.

Just got mine this past weekend, well worth the wait. The build quality is very good, and pulls good behind my Toyota Corolla. No issues at all so far.

Legend C.


Legend C.

Just got mine this past weekend, well worth the wait. The build quality is very good, and pulls good behind my Toyota Corolla. No issues at all so far.

Words can’t really describe how much I love my trailer

Words can't really describe how much I love my trailer, I've got a bunch of pictures of our adventures on my page which could give you a better idea.

Peter B.


Peter B.

Words can't really describe how much I love my trailer, I've got a bunch of pictures of our adventures on my page which could give you a better idea.

Words can’t really describe how much I love my trailer

Words can't really describe how much I love my trailer, I've got a bunch of pictures of our adventures on my page which could give you a better idea.

Polina A.
Polina A.
Words can't really describe how much I love my trailer, I've got a bunch of pictures of our adventures on my page which could give you a better idea.

Nice and slick design, excellent customer relations.

Nice and slick design, excellent customer relations. This is a company that you can trust!

Metin Se.
Metin Se.
Nice and slick design, excellent customer relations. This is a company that you can trust!